9 January 2019 - Board of Directors Meeting Notes

Present: Rachel Cerfontyne, Anna O’Rourke, Guido Liguori, Kris Beuret, Bharan Kumar, Mark Izatt, Paul Atkin, John Davies Sam Matthews (Secretary).


2 – Apologies

·       There were no apologies


3 – Declarations of interest

·       Staff declare interests in item 7. Anna O’Rourke and Guido Liguori (exec directors) and Sam Matthews (Secretary) recuse themselves from the discussion.


4 - Minutes from the previous meeting

·       The minutes from the previous meeting were agreed.


5 – Actions arising from the previous meeting

·       The Actions arising from the previous meeting were noted.


6 - Verbal Update from the chair

·       The board noted an update from the chair covering:

o   The year ahead, our plans to develop strategic goals for each quarter

o   Question Time on 23 Jan.  The next event with John Holland-Kaye will be on 3 April.

o   Arora and advice from DfT

o   The SAG meetings on 16th Jan will have a presentation from STACK and Heathrow (EqIA) and members of the Board are welcome


7 – HCEB Staff Contracts

·     Details of the discussion have been redacted from the minutes as they contain sensitive information


8 – Decision making at the HCEB

·       Following a discussion, the paper was agreed.

·       It was agreed that Guido Liguori would work with Paul Atkin to produce a short policy for spend-related decision making.


10 – Airport Licencing Consultation

·       This item was introduced by Mark Izatt in which he outlined the response the PSG would be making to the Home Office consultation.  The final response would be shared with the Board. Following a discussion, the item was noted.


10 – Mailout, Survey & Social Media Update

·       A verbal update was given on the response to the HCEB survey and social media campaign from December 2018. The board noted the update.


11 – Status of the Arora Group

·       Following a discussion, the paper was noted.


12 – End of year updated and 2019 budget

·       A verbal update was noted by the board.


13 – End of year updated and 2019 budget

·       The paper was noted by the board.


14 – Strategic Risk Register

·       The paper was noted by the board. It was agreed that this would be a quarterly item on the agenda.


15 – Any other business

·       A verbal update was given by Kris Beuret on setting up the Transport Group and noted by the board. It was agreed that the board would receive an update at the March meeting and a paper would be circulated ahead of the meeting.

·       It was agreed that meetings would be held from 3-5pm in Slough. This would be reviewed after the next two meetings. Dates for the rest of the year would be circulated with the board as soon as practicable.

·       It was agreed that Rachel would arrange one-to-ones with non-executive directors as soon as practicable.