16 January 2019 - Joint meeting of SAGEM, SAGCS and HCEB Board of Directors; Meeting Notes
Meeting: Joint meeting of SAGEM, SAGCS and HCEB Board of Directors
Date: 16/01/2019
Present: Rachel Cerfontyne (Chair), James Swindlehurst (Leader – Slough), John Read (Deputy Leader – South Bucks), Martin Tett (Leader – Bucks County), Mike Goodman (Leader – Surrey County), Julian Bell (Leader – Ealing), John Stewart (HACAN), Tony Booker (Colne Valley), Bradley Smith (Grundon), Nigel Mells (Resident), Alan Hesketh (HSPG), Caroline Morison (Hillingdon CCG), Simon Arthur (AOC), Christine Taylor (Resident), Mark Izatt (PSG & NED), Kris Beuret (NED)
In attendance: Rachel Furness (STACK), Rachel Green (STACK), Caroline Deput (STACK), Kaimi Ithia (HAL), Andy Hunt (HAL), James Beard (HAL), Anna O’Rourke (HCEB), Sam Matthews (HCEB), Nick Ward (HCEB), Rebecca Cox (HCEB)
Apologies: Steve Curran (Leader – Hounslow), Ian Harvey (Leader – Spelthorne), John Davies (NED), Paul Atkin (NED)
1. Heathrow Expansion: Equality Impacts Assessment – An Introduction
A presentation was received from James Beard, HAL (attached with the notes) and those present took the opportunity to raise questions and comments throughout.
Kaimi Ithia took note of some members’ suggestions and questions and the HCEB was to be provided with a summary of this. Sam Matthews
The scoping report was to be published in early February and should be circulated to members when available. Sam Matthews
2. Presentation from STACK
A presentation was received on identifying and reaching groups who were affected by Heathrow operations and who may not engage in consultations unless given particular encouragement (attached with the notes). STACK was a communications agency who used data and digital skills to engage with consumers and businesses. Those present believed that the HCEB should be commissioning research such as this.
Members were asked to consider whether they had any data that they could feed in to STACK to assist with this analysis and for ideas about what the next steps should be in making use of STACK and their research. All
It was agreed that in the first instance STACK should run a young person’s focus group. A small group from the SAGs should take this forward and members were asked to email Anna O’Rourke if they were interested in being involved. All
3. The year ahead – HCEB priorities and focus for 2019
Today’s meeting
The Chair began by asking those present for feedback about today’s meeting. Comments suggested that the two presentations were perceived to be useful and relevant, with the presenters actively engaging with rather than simply talking at the group. Having a joint meeting of the two SAGs was viewed positively as it offered the opportunity to hear alternative perspectives. It was suggested that in the future it would be helpful to have a precis of presentations in advance, in order that members could circulate them to colleagues for comment before the meeting. Some hard copies of presentations should be made available on the day for those who wished to make notes in this way. Consideration should also be given to whether some of those attending may already have knowledge of a particular issue, for example what constituted an Equality Impact Assessment. A briefing note could be circulated in advance for those without prior knowledge, which would negate the need for general explanations in the presentations.
The Heathrow Community Engagement Board is an independently chaired body constituted to provide the functions of an airport consultative committee for
Heathrow Airport (in accordance with Section 35 of the Civil Aviation Act 1982) and the functions of the Heathrow Airport community engagement board 1 (as set out in the Airports National Policy Statement).
Role of SAGs members
This issue was discussed and a number of points raised. Members could assist the HCEB through involving it in events run by their own organisations, promoting it in any publications produced, through critical assessment of what is presented at meetings and by constructive input into what the HCEB’s next steps should be.
HCEB’s communications
Sam Matthews updated members on the HCEB mailing that had been sent to 250000 households in the boroughs closest to Heathrow. This was aimed at promoting both the HCEB itself and an online survey. A more detailed briefing on this and the analysis of the resulting data would be circulated to members when available. A great deal of work had also been carried out on expanding the HCEB’s reach on social media and increasing hits on the website. Further information of this would also be included in the briefing. Question Time event
The HCEB’s Question Time event would be held on 23 January at the University of West London. The purpose of this event was to hold to account and challenge senior people in HAL, the DfT and the CAA, to provide people with the opportunity to ask questions in a controlled environment where they would not feel intimidated and to ensure that the panel provided answers to those questions at the time of asking. Over 1000 questions had been submitted in advance and the key themes analysed. The Chair had worked with members of the local community to formulate questions based on these themes that would promote discussion and debate. Answers to these questions would be published on the HCEB’s website.
• It was noted that there was not currently an environmental/ecological question. Tony Booker offered to draft a one and email it to the Chair. Tony Booker
Other next steps for the HCEB
UCL had been approached by the HCEB with a view to undertaking some research in participation with local stakeholders on sustainable communities in relation to the airport and its expansion proposals. It was hoped that this would provide something positive for people to engage with if planning permission were granted for the third runway and would also enable the HCEB to make informed recommendations to HAL throughout the expansion process.
The Chair introduced Nick Ward, the HCEB’s newly appointed Residents’ Advisor who would be working with local residents both in groups and on a one-to-one basis and would be undertaking a needs analysis.
4. Future meetings
The next meeting of the SAGs would be a joint one held on 26 March and would be hosted by the Colne Valley Regional Park.
[Post-meeting note: this date and venue have subsequently been changed to 3 April. Members have been informed and new calendar invitations issued. The visit to Colne Valley has been deferred until the June meeting]